2025 Photo Schedule
2025 Photo Schedule
T-Ball, Rally Cap, 9U and 11U A - 18U A: May 9-11 Weekend
Specific times will be posted and emailed once teams have been formed.
*We aim to schedule all teams within this timeframe. However, if we are unable to do so, some T-Ball or Rally Cap pictures will be taken at the Inglewood fields.
What to bring:
- Glove
- Bat if you have one
What to wear:
- RDMBA shirt and hat
- Baseball Pants (Only for 11U-18U)
Important Information:
Free 5x7 team photo for all players in attendance for team and individual pictures
Please make sure your team is early for their time slot to ensure that our photographer can stay on schedule, any delay will affect all teams after.
Photo order forms will be attached above when ready, you can fill out ahead of time or there will be some available on site as well.
Players must attend their team's scheduled time slot to be in the team photo.