Game Start Time: First pitch is at 6:30pm
* Practice schedules have been given to coaches and they will communicate the dates/location with the team.
Team 1 - Red | Team 2 - Orange | Team 3 - Maroon | Team 4 - Green |
Head Coach: Bert Miller | Head Coach: Dale Spielman | Head Coach: Calvin Fleck | Head Coach: Cody Green |
First Practice: May 1 - 5:30pm WestPark SE | First Practice: May 1 - 7:00pm WestPark SE | First Practice: May 1 - 5:30pm Davison North | First Practice: May 1 - 7:00pm Davison North |
Anderson | Collier | Davies | Edgar |
Czuy | Galang | M.Edwards | B.Edwards |
Elliot | Gustafson | Ell | Fairall |
Fink | Hannah | Farquhar | Finlayson |
Graham | Hannebury | Fleck | Foster |
Howorko | Kurmapu | Froese | Fraser |
Larsen | LeDrew | Hall | Green |
Luck | Patterson | Horlings | Gunderman |
T.Miller | Rentas | Morrell | LeBlanc |
Peacock | Slobodian | Pepper | Metzger |
Toews | Spielman | A.Sloboda | Rookes |
Vander Veen | Watson | T.Sloboda | Sagan |
Team 5 - Blue | Team 6 - Navy | Team 7 - Grey | Team 8 - Yellow |
Head Coach: Jason Hartley | Head Coach: Jamie Flaman | Head Coach: Jason Miller | Head Coach: Jared Ott |
First Practice: May 1 - 5:30pm Davison South | First Practice: May 1 - 7:00pm Davison South | First Practice: May 1 - 5:30pm Lindsay Thursday NE | First Practice: May 1 - 7:00pm Lindsay Thursday NE |
L.Clemens | Bouw | Ackerman | Chinnery |
M.Clemens | Doucette | Banwarth | Connolly |
Hartley | Flaman | Blais | Eagle |
Kowk | Gair | Dennis | Gardner |
Lindsay | Jaber | D.Giroux | Hesterman |
Manchur | Lesage | G. Giroux | Munchinsky |
E.Miller | MacKinnon | Hoppe | Ott |
Pon | Mailer | Mayhew | Pickering |
Pumm | Martens | McNally | Pyper |
Pysana | Murphy | I.Miller | Schaffer |
Topley | E.Vanderwater | Seymour | Tarney |
Woitowicz | O.Vanderwater | Strate | Wattie |